Monday, 13 May 2013

How Counselling Services Can Make Your First Year Of College Easier

Telephone Counselling - Leaving home for college can be a pivotal time in a young person’s life. Not only are you free to explore the world, but you may be facing different stressors and anxiety from new experiences that life brings. The world of college academia is definitely a change from home life and high school. When you begin to feel the pressures of college, there is somewhere you can turn to discuss the issues that you have lurking on your mind. Counselling services are available for students who need advice, or simply someone to talk to.
College life can be extremely demanding. While high school teachers may be a little more forgiving when it comes to academics, university professors are more stringent and demanding by nature. Whether you are experiencing anxiety during finals week or are having some personal relationship issues, there are reputable counselling services that can give you the support you need.
Although you may have been exciting and anxious to finally be out on your own, many college students experience homesickness during their first year of college. Learning how to become a more independent individual without the support of your family close by can be hard. Since college is still an unfamiliar territory, you may not have had a chance to make new friends or develop a support group. It is important to know that you are not alone in your feelings, and that there are people you can talk about your issues.
All counselling services are held with the highest confidentiality. This means that nothing you discuss with a counselor is divulged to another person. You can feel safe and assured that the topics you want to discuss are just between you and the counsellor. Feel free to open up and really talk about what is on your mind. Counselling services are conveniently available online as well as over the phone, meaning you don’t have to leave your home to gain the benefits from talking to someone. While some people prefer the ease of talking over the internet via Skype or typing, others like to talk to someone over the phone. Whichever way you prefer, there are counselling sessions that are available to you.
Students who become depressed, homesick, or bogged down with difficult coursework may turn to alcohol or drugs to solve their problems. Instead of reaching for a vice that will add to your problems, call an experienced counsellor to help you talk through your issues. It only takes a few seconds to connect, and you have a knowledgeable professional ready to listen and lend their advice.Know more about online counselling and Counselling Services

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