Wednesday, 31 July 2013

When To Seek Counselling Services

Online Counselling
As counselling and other therapeutic services have become more common, much of the stigma against seeking help with mental and emotional health issues has been reduced. Many people know when they need help and have no problems finding someone to give them the help they need. For others, it may be difficult to know when counselling services may be helpful. There are several common issues many people face that may improve with counselling.
Counselling can help you deal with big changes and major life events. Sometimes the emotions people feel during and after major life events can be difficult to navigate, even if the change is a positive one, such as starting a new job or earning a big promotion. Additionally, many people lead very full, busy lives, which means that new challenges, changes, and hurdles are often faced before you’ve even had a chance to fully adapt to the last change. Without taking the time to deal with any emotions that arise from big changes and major events, you may not be fully equipped to continue facing everything life throws at you.
Patterns that repeat throughout your life can also signify a need for counselling services. Often, there are specific triggers, or causes, and self-defeating patterns of thought that can be identified and dealt with to change your life for the better. You may find that no matter how hard you try to move your life in a different direction, the same obstacles keep appearing. If you notice that the same things seem to keep happening no matter what you do to change them, counselling may help.
Telephone counselling can help if you suffer from a lack of confidence or self-esteem. There may be underlying issues that are causing you to feel inadequate, or you may be trapped in a pattern of negative thoughts about yourself. Counselling may help you find the source of your low self-esteem and help you take steps toward improved confidence and high self-esteem.
If you feel as though something is wrong, even if you can’t put your finger on it, you may benefit from counselling. Your intuition may be telling you that you have some hidden or buried feelings that need to be dealt with. Anxiety, depression, or even general uneasiness can all be signs that you need help. Counseling can help you sort through your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and help you discover the root cause of your distress.
If you feel like you could benefit from discussing the issues you’re facing through Counselling Services, you most likely will. Trust your intuition, and seek help if you need it.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Tips to Hiring The Right Counsellor

Online Counselling
For most people, the thought of sitting on a couch and telling all their secrets to a complete stranger can be terrifying and overwhelming. That’s why it’s imperative to find the right counselling services. The benefits of counselling are numerous and far-reaching, and the fear of expressing your deep concerns to a counsellor will soon disappear if you hire the right one. Here are some tips to ensure you do:
1. Decide What You Need From Counselling
By having a clear and focused idea of why you want to attend counselling sessions, you will be much more prepared to search viable solutions and set reasonable goals. If you are seeking help for a specific problem, such as addiction or gambling, then you might want to find a counsellor who specializes in these areas.
2. Ask for Recommendations
More and more people are seeking out professional help by meeting regularly with someone offering Telephone Counselling, and chances are you have some close friends and family members who would gladly recommend someone. If they aren’t comfortable sharing a secret-keeper with you, or if their counsellor isn’t accepting new clients, then ask for a referral. Most professionals know a colleague who they would highly recommend.
3. Call Them
One of the best ways to ensure you’re hiring the right cousellor is how you feel when you talk to them. Before you schedule a session, chat with them on the phone for a few minutes to determine if you have a rapport with them. Make sure your counsellor listens to you, is accepting of you and isn’t judging you. Remember that you aren’t looking for someone to tell you all the right answers, you’re looking for someone who can support you and help you find your own solutions for your problems. A counsellor should empower their clients and ultimately lead them to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.
4. Don’t Make Judgements
Trying to hire a cousellor that only attended the best schools or has the most experience will likely disappoint you. You aren’t looking for the most-qualified counsellor, you are looking for the right counsellor. There’s a big difference. You need to find a calm, accepting professional who will listen and challenge your thinking.
It’s also important not to hire a professional for Counselling Services based on a convenient location, as this doesn’t mean they are good. It’s better to go out of your way a little bit or even schedule a session over the telephone than to risk hiring a counsellor based upon location alone. Telephone sessions are increasing in popularity and are a viable choice for many people seeking help.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Telephone Counselling
It’s fairly common for people to seek help for mental or emotional health issues, and help is available in a variety of ways. For a number of reasons, you may find yourself unable to visit a counsellor in person, but there are various counselling services available. You may be able discuss the issues you’re facing with a counsellor via online counselling. Thanks to the internet, many people are able to get the help they need without leaving the privacy of their own homes.
People living in rural areas may face a long drive to get to the nearest city with available counselling services. Many people who live on working farms are unable to leave their work for the length of time needed to travel to a city, meet with a counsellor, and travel back again. Additionally, people living in rural communities may not have access to a reliable vehicle to make the trip, or they may not be able to afford the fuel to make regular trips until their issues are resolved.Counselling Services provides a much needed solution to this problem, and anyone with an internet connection can find the help they need.
Some people are suffering from issues such as agoraphobia, which may be severe enough that they are unable to leave their home. Some people are physically disabled or have mobility issues that make it difficult to travel to appointments. Seeking the help of a counsellor over the internet can provide these individuals with the help they need, without causing the additional stress or anxiety that may be related to attending an appointment at a counsellor’s office.
Much of the stigma regarding mental and emotional health is gone, but some people find they still don’t want friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or other people to know they’ve sought the help of a counsellor. The anxiety caused by thoughts of who might see them going to or coming home from a counselling appointment may be enough for them to avoid seeking help at all. With online counselling, these people can seek the help they need without the fear that someone might find out, and counselling may help them work through the thoughts and feelings causing that anxiety in the first place.
Many people have lives that are filled to the brim with long work hours and family commitments. For these people, the ability to schedule appointments whenever and wherever they have timemay enable them to get the help they need.
Online Counselling services can help many people in many different situations get the help they need from the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The Advantages of Telephone Counselling

Counselling services
More and more people are realizing that counselling provides numerous benefits and can help with a wide range of issues. Additionally, there are a number of ways an individual can meet with a counsellor, including in person, over the internet, and over the phone. There are several benefits that come with participating in telephone counselling, even for people who are able to meet with a counsellor face to face.
With telephone counselling, there are no limits based on simple geography. You can find the counsellor that is most beneficial to you and most helpful with your particular case, no matter where that counsellor is located. You don’t have to worry about traveling to an appointment, and you won’t be late or miss an appointment because of traffic or missing a train or other method of transportation. Many people find their lives are already overbooked with work and family commitments. Without having to consider travel time and location, these people are able to schedule Online counselling appointments over the phone to accommodate their busy schedules.
Some people suffer from chronic illness, which may make it difficult to keep regular face-to-face appointments with a counsellor. Working with a counsellor over the phone means you can keep your appointments even if you’re not feeling well enough to leave your house. Additionally, even people who are otherwise well get sick from time to time, but you may not need to worry about rescheduling if you’re meeting over the phone rather than in person.
If you meet with your counsellor over the phone, you won’t have to cancel your appointment due to last-minute travel. Whether you’re taking a trip for a family emergency or making a sudden, unplanned business trip, you may be able to keep your regular appointment or reschedule to fit your needs. Telephone counselling allows you to have continuity of care. Even if you move out of the area, you’ll still be able to meet with the counsellor you’ve developed a professional relationship with.
Some people are uncomfortable showing their emotions, and find themselves unable to discuss deeply personal matters with anyone in a face-to-face setting. For these people, meeting over the phone may allow them to access thoughts, feelings, and emotions they would otherwise hide. Meeting with a counsellor over the phone may help these individuals overcome issues more easily than face-to-face Telephone counselling would.
There are many ways to find the help you need, when you need it. Whether you’re more comfortable meeting with a counsellor over the phone or in person, don’t be afraid to find the help you need.

Monday, 8 July 2013

When To Seek Telephone Counseling

Counselling Services
It’s difficult to admit you need help and to seek out a professional to help you find answers. While there are many resources available to provide assistance, one of the best ways is through telephone counselling. This service is private and 100% confidential and can bring the relief you so desperately need. Here are a few reasons to seek out a counsellor:
• If you are struggling with personal relationship issues with family or friends.
• When you feel as though you are in a rut and can’t break out.
• If you don’t have any motivation to change, but know that you need to.
• When you feel you need someone to talk to but don’t know who you can call.
• If you have been mentally, physically or emotionally abused or bullied.
• If you are lonely, sad, unhappy and/or silent about your sufferings.
• If you regularly deal with anxiety attacks or angry outburst that effect your relationships and quality of life.
If you have experienced any of these signs, then it’s time to contact a professional through telephone counselling. Find someone you are comfortable speaking with that you have full confidence in and has a great deal of experience, particularly in your area of concern. Before you hire a counsellor, try to arrange a free consultation where you can determine if they will be caring and impartial, but also sympathetic to your situation. You want to find a professional that you feel comfortable and at ease with so that you can share you deep thoughts and concerns without fear of being judged.
You will benefit from phone telephone counselling if you:
• Frequently travel and cannot make regular appointments with a counsellor.
• Are housebound or have an illness that makes it difficult for you to get around.
• Have a busy, demanding schedule that doesn’t allow you to break away easily.
• Are shy or reluctant to speak to a counsellor face-to-face.
• Feel more comfortable discussing private matters from the comfort of your own home.
• Desire the anonymity that telephone counselling offers.
Seek out a counsellor who supports you and doesn’t give you the answers, but helps you brainstorm and support you as come to conclusions on your own. You will want to ensure that the counselling session is all about you and whatever you choose to discuss, and that your counsellor will listen honestly and without judgment as you speak and reveal. The goal is to lead you toward a more fulfilling and enriching life and each online counselling session should bring you closer to satisfying your goal.

Friday, 5 July 2013

5 Happy Events That Can Cause Stress

Telephone Counselling
Major life events can be sources of stress. People can experience a wide range of emotions related to all major life events, even happy ones, and may have trouble processing all of their thoughts and feelings on their own. Experiencing negative feelings about something that you feel should be a happy occasion can even lead to guilt and self-doubt. Many people are able to find relief by working through their thoughts and feelings surrounding major life events with counselling services.
Finding a new job or earning a big promotion can be a tremendous experience, but it can also lead to feelings of anxiety. You may find yourself worried about the additional responsibilities or unsure you’ll be able to cope with new situations. Change can be tricky to navigate, especially when it comes with learning new tasks or working with new supervisors you wish to impress. Low self-esteem can be aggravated in this situation, and many people experience feelings of self-doubt.
New love can be a wonderful thing to experience, but navigating a newly forming relationship can trigger anxiety and fear. Many people feel like they are caught up in an emotional whirlwind during the early stages of falling in love. It can be an exhilarating, but also scary, experience. Counselling services can help you navigate your feelings during this wonderful, crazy time.
Once new love turns into an engagement, a whole new set of emotions can come forward. Wedding planning can be extremely stressful, which may be due to the pressure to have the perfect wedding or the perfect day. Additionally, many people experience anxiety over the expectations that come with being married or the things they’ll be giving up when they get married.
Growing older is a consistent source of stress for a wide variety of people. Birthdays come every year, bringing stress to many. Birthdays frequently cause people to take stock of their lives. Some people feel like they haven’t accomplished all that they should, and others feel uncertainty about the future or regret about the past. Milestone birthdays in particular can bring tremendous amounts of stress. All of these issues can be helped with Online Counselling.
Many people spend years working toward, and looking forward to, retirement. Once retired, there may be financial stress, as well as stress related to leaving the working world. Making the change from working several days a week to having little to do on a daily basis can be surprisingly stressful. Whatever the source of stress in your life, taking the time to find Counselling Services can provide relief and help you work through your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, leaving you better able to deal with stress in the future.